Disruptive Food Changes

By Henk Hoogenkamp, Protein Applications Expert

As families redefine meal occasions, demand for at-home deliveries is increasing. The COVID-19 pandemic has given additional segment growth. As a result, food brands are adapting their business strategy and branching out of traditional platforms so as not to lose consumer engagement. The quality of food, as well as the enhancement of consumer’s overall experience, are important parameters in defining the success of home delivery.

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The World in Transition

By Henk Hoogenkamp, Protein Applications Expert

The looks of plant-based meat and milk products are set to become an enduring part of the food landscape. Driven by a combination of more health, environmental, and ethical awareness, consumer demand for plant-protein formulated foods continues to grow. The plant-protein revolution is gaining strength with more companies offering vegan or vegetarian foods as part of their planet-friendly and green-sustainable orientation.

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Transformational Plant Meat Formula

By Henk Hoogenkamp, Protein Applications Expert

The transformational road to concoct a “veggie burger” that is juicy and flavorful with the right bite and texture is quite long and not easy to navigate. Fortunately, with the arrival of cellular agriculture and improved extrusion knowhow, major development hurdles can now be successfully taken. In fact, assembling certain compounds and ingredients from plants allows for a more level playing field when compared to the traditional formulated meat products, like burgers and chicken strips.

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The Value and Issues of Soy Plant Protein

By Henk Hoogenkamp, Protein Applications Expert

It was not long ago that soy ruled the global plant-based kingdom. Perhaps that is an overreaction due to some bad soy protein headlines, such as: the destruction of the Amazon rain forest, hormonal-induced medical issues, GMO or allergenicity. The fact is that soy will remain an important protein for the rapidly growing “plant meat” category.

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Soy Protein and The Ecosystem

By Henk Hoogenkamp, Protein Applications Expert

The upside of soy is that the crop contains the highest protein and oil content. The downside is that soy has only four main harvest regions - US, Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay – mostly due to climate restrictions. A vast area of virgin forest is lost to the unrelenting expansion of soy agriculture in environmentally sensitive areas. The forests cover about 30 percent of the planet’s landmass – but they are disappearing at an alarming rate.

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Consumer Confusion

By Henk Hoogenkamp, Protein Applications Expert

In the old days or in traditional societies, people were not incessantly being bombarded with the temptation to eat. However, today’s contemporary consumers are constantly reminded to eat, even when they are not hungry. The main reason is the wide availability of ready-to-eat convenience foods in a setting of a 24/7 society. The modern food environment, engineered for maximum enjoyment, will trigger compulsive overeating that ultimately results in obesity and lead to developing degenerative diseases.

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