
‘Meat-Free’ Doesn’t Mean ‘Taste-Free’ for New Food Company

hoobafoodsHOOBA Foods have launched a line of naturally healthy and tasty products which are good for the soul, as well as the stomach.

From delicious sausage rolls to juicy burgers and meat-balls, Hooba expertly blend mushrooms and seasoning to create a range of meat-free and 50/50 (meat and mushroom) products that will get any mouth-watering.

Perfect for vegans, vegetarians or simply those looking to cut down on their meat consumption, Hooba’s products are made entirely from a blend of exotic mushrooms (grown right here in the UK) that look and taste just like meat.

Research, drawn up by Forum for the Future, shows that 40 percent of people in the UK have expressed an interest in eating less meat, without becoming vegetarian. With Hooba 50/50, food lovers can buy a burger and eat 50 percent less meat, safe in the knowledge that all ingredients are locally sourced, using ethical farming methods.

Hooba is not just about great taste – the team are on a mission; to do their bit to help reduce global meat production and at the same time improve the health of the nation by producing tasty food that contains less meat, or even no meat at all. With the world’s population increasing and concerns over environmentally sound and sustainable sources of protein, Hooba provides a great and ecologically friendly alternative to meat which will make you wish #meatfreemonday lasted all week.

The ethos behind the company is community and sustainability. With this in mind, Hooba Foods have teamed up with the YMCA to run a project working with ex-offenders to grow their signature mushrooms using coffee grounds from local coffee shops.

Hooba mushrooms are full of natural goodness and their meaty texture provide an appetizing alternative to everyone’s favourite sausages, burgers or meatballs. Just like pork, beef or lamb, they contain protein; as well as being fat-free, cholesterol-free, gluten-free and very low in sodium. If that wasn’t enough, they are also a great source of vitamins and minerals and might even help reduce the waistline too!

The NHS recommends that an adult eats no more than 70 grams of red or processed meat per day to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and even cancer. But it is not easy to cut down on favourite foods. Luckily Hooba and Hooba 50/50 have all the flavour and texture of meat with none of the nasties. Tested against a ‘standard’ pork sausage, Eurofins consumer product testing found that Hooba 50/50 sausage contained 45 percent less calories, 61 percent less fat and 163 percent more fibre.
Animal agriculture consumes one third of all the planet’s fresh water, 45 percent of the Earth’s land is used for farm animal grazing and 91 percent of rainforest destruction is due to clearance for grazing land and growing crops for animal-feed. Reducing the amount of meat that is consumed is not only good for us, it is good for the planet too.

Hooba products are available to order now at Join the ‘Hoobalution’ on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and spread the #hoobalove.

For more information on Hooba Foods, call 01325 625 250 or visit