
Handtmann invests € 7 million in a second customer centre

handtmannClear focus on customer needs
Today, companies in the food production industry in general and in the meat processing sector in particular have to face complex challenges. Innovation pressure is competing with cost pressure. Is it better to place an emphasis on product innovations or on cost-effective mono-production? Changed consumer behaviour and a rising demand for convenience and trend products make long-term planning more difficult. The consumer is demanding and highly quality-conscious, while also being extremely price-oriented. Furthermore, globalisation is resulting in strong competition for market share, to name just a few of today’s challenges. Handtmann is the partner for combating them with modern technology and service solutions. On-site at the customer or in the customer centres at the Biberach plant.

Handtmann Maschinenfabrik

Handtmann customer forums  (grey building on the right: new Customer Forum 2)

A considerable sum is being invested in the second customer centre, but it is money well spent. This is because Handtmann provides integrative high-tech solutions coupled with the aim of ensuring that they are used optimally at the customer and therefore give the customer the maximum in added value. The optimum result from the latest machine technology, suitable product recipes and economic production is the goal of the Handtmann customer focus. Handtmann technology is production-ready, reliable and easy to implement with standard applications at the customer. However, if the challenges mentioned above apply and new product ideas, comprehensive turnkey solutions or forward-looking strategies are to be developed, the Handtmann Customer Forum is the perfect place.

Handtmann Forum2

New Customer forum 2

Handtmann Forum2 Branchenseminar

Industry seminar

Handtmann Forum2 Praxis

Practical test

Technology centres for complete production processes
With an area covering more than 4,000 m², the two customer forums provide the state-of-the-art equipment of a meat products, bakery goods and food production factory, with EU approval in accordance with the latest food legislation stipulations. Technology centres with production halls map the entire production process. Here, customers have the opportunity to work with Handtmann specialists to test the production of their products or product ideas using the latest machine technology. Each investment in a Handtmann machine therefore always guarantees the best possible result. In addition, the steps which are upstream and downstream of the processing procedure are also taken into account. This is because, in the Handtmann forums, we work closely together with the best partners in the industry: ingredients, recipes, packaging solutions, expert forums, industry seminars, joint practical tests, trial programmes etc. The overall process is the central focus. Conference and training rooms with the latest media technology encourage discussions and knowledge transfer. The outcome from this networking is the perfect result for the customer.

Extensive range of services for customers
Furthermore, the new customer centre boasts a multifunctional concept. This is because customer service also includes in-house technical and application engineering training courses, specific to the particular target group. The new training rooms feature modern equipment which encourages efficient learning. State-of-the-art technical infrastructure with suitable floorings and connections allow for flexible theoretical and practical training in one room. Effective training is thus facilitated. The latest media options, such as videos and animation, are integrated into the training modules where appropriate. These are optimum training services aimed at giving Handtmann customers an ideal position in relation to the competition and within the market. The new Customer Forum thus demonstrates how comprehensive service for the customer is put into practice at Handtmann. Extensive consultation with practical tests before the investment is made and excellent support after purchase. Sustainable productivity and success are thus ensured for the customer. www.handtmann.de