
MULTIVAC celebrates 60 years

multivacBirthday promotion: Customers win an exclusive Packaging Workshop.

Wolfertschwenden, 26. February 2021 – MULTIVAC celebrates its 60th anniversary. In January at the start of the anniversary year, the exclusive monthly offers from the different MULTIVAC Business Units were launched with a prize competition from the Corporate Training & Innovation Center.

Four winners can now look forward to an informative one-day workshop with a consultation program individually tailored to their requirements.

Auslosung 60Jahre CTIC

“Our offer has been very well received by our customers from a wide range of sectors throughout the world. One of the winners comes from the meat industry in Turkey, and other from Switzerland,” explains Stefan Scheibel, Vice President of the Corporate Training & Innovation Center at MULTIVAC. “The third Workshop prize goes to a customer from Costa Rica, who is engaged in the dairy industry. And the fourth customer comes from the medical products industry in Germany.”

The workshops will take place in the coming weeks either as a face-to-face event at the MULTIVAC Innovation Center in Wolfertschwenden, or alternatively as virtual events. “In the case of each individual workshop, the range of topics will first be established in a preliminary briefing, and at the end the whole program will be rounded off with an individual sample production for the participant,” explains Stefan Scheibel. “We will also be giving each winner comprehensive information about current packaging trends, as well as detailing new ideas on all aspects of packaging and sustainability. And last but not least, we will be developing joint ideas with each individual customer for a tailor-made and future-proof packaging solution based on their specific requirements.”

The Innovation Center offers the ideal environment for these workshops. In this state-of-the-art Center of Excellence is a team of experts and a unique infrastructure, which is tailored to developing innovative packaging solutions as well as optimising proven concepts - and it includes facilities for sample production, product analysis and packaging consultancy. www.multivac.com