
Detectamet’s Upgraded Detectable Calculator ticks the Boxes at PPMA

DetectametThe World’s bestselling Detectable Calculators have now been upgraded with fully detectable buttons that are made from Detectamet’s metal and X-Ray detectable polymer. The solar powered units remove the worry of battery replacement, and the robust fully detectable but lightweight outer case is easy to hold. The sensible buttons are clearly seen and designed to be ‘found’ by fingers in hygienic detectable gloves like Detectamet’s.

detectamet calc“Detectamet is the proven market leader and launched the world’s first detectable calculator about five years ago“ said MD James Chrismas “ Our experienced development team has been working with the manufacturing department to ensure that  we can achieve the best quality and reliability, and make the maximum use of recycled materials”

The new calculator is ready for delivery and the hand unit can be selected in a standard format or with a safety chain.  The chain provides added security for the calculator when worn around the neck, yet the ‘easy break’ system ensures personnel safety in a busy machine environment.