
Meyn’s Wall to Wall Solutions to Achieve Top-Level Productivity

meynThe 23rd International Agroprodmash Exhibition will take place at the Expocentre in Moscow, Russia from 8th to 12th October 2018. At Agroprodmash, Meyn presents Wall to Wall solutions to maximize the performance of processing equipment and quality of the end product.

Most of the poultry processors appreciate total solutions starting from the ‘greenfield’ in the Russian market.

For this purpose, Meyn will focus on customers' ambition to create end-products of the desired quality while realizing the best financial results with the wall to wall solutions. The total portfolio encompasses more than fifty pieces of equipment. Customers can either purchase the entire process or individual pieces of equipment.

meyn agroprodmash

For the entire process, designing and integration of the plant drawings are the most important point for the poultry processors. Synchronized construction plant with the installation of poultry processing equipment brings some necessities for testing the plant at an early stage. For the ideal poultry processing plant, Meyn’s consultant will be there to provide information in terms of competent consultancy, comprehensive after sales services (spare parts, service contracts, etc.) at Pavillion 2 in Hall 1, stand 21C55. www.meyn.com