
Processors meet up to master digitalization

marel fishThirty fish processors were among the participants at Marel’s two-day Software KnowHow conference held at Progress Point, Copenhagen, this week.

Leverage the power of Innova

The Software KnowHow brought together members of the Innova user community from the fish, meat and poultry industries to help them meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving industry and to transition into the digitalization of production control smoothly.

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Software KnowHow Denmark

The conference included expert presentations, seminars and deep-dive technical sessions. It was a great opportunity for processors to connect with colleagues from their own industry as well as learn from the experience of other industries and discuss the future of smart processing.

From quality assurance to production control, seminars provided distinctive users and groups with insights into new software features and tips to help them master innovative techniques.

“We’ve got a fantastic turnout here at Progress Point,” said Haraldur Gunnlaugsson, Innova Marketing Manager at Marel. “It’s great to see all of our Innova users meeting each other, especially with how they’ve been sharing their knowledge with users from other industries.”

Smarter software for smarter factories

Fish processors around the world are adopting ‘smart factory’ technologies and the right software is essential to their capacity to increase yield, ensure traceability, optimize production speed and utilize data to improve the overall quality of the end product.

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Software KnowHow Denmark

Patrick Cruysen, Innova Director of Product, quoted the Forbes definition of data-driven culture–“An operating environment that seeks to leverage data whenever and wherever possible to enhance business efficiency and effectiveness”–to highlight the potential for processors to gain from not just collecting the data but also making the best use of it.

With smart factories already changing the way fish is processed, participants in the conference welcomed the opportunity to gain the extra knowhow to help optimize their operations and make the most of the trends and technologies offered through Industry 4.0.

Marel will host its next Software KnowHow in Kansas City, USA, in September 2019. www.marel.com